
class aif360.algorithms.inprocessing.GridSearchReduction(estimator, constraints, prot_attr=None, constraint_weight=0.5, grid_size=10, grid_limit=2.0, grid=None, drop_prot_attr=True, loss='ZeroOne', min_val=None, max_val=None)[source]

Grid search reduction for fair classification or regression.

Grid search is an in-processing technique that can be used for fair classification or fair regression. For classification it reduces fair classification to a sequence of cost-sensitive classification problems, returning the deterministic classifier with the lowest empirical error subject to fair classification constraints [1] among the candidates searched. For regression it uses the same priniciple to return a deterministic regressor with the lowest empirical error subject to the constraint of bounded group loss [2].


  • estimator – An estimator implementing methods fit(X, y, sample_weight) and predict(X), where X is the matrix of features, y is the vector of labels, and sample_weight is a vector of weights; labels y and predictions returned by predict(X) are either 0 or 1 – e.g. scikit-learn classifiers/regressors.

  • constraints (str or fairlearn.reductions.Moment) – If string, keyword denoting the fairlearn.reductions.Moment object defining the disparity constraints – e.g., “DemographicParity” or “EqualizedOdds”. For a full list of possible options see self.model.moments. Otherwise, provide the desired Moment object defining the disparity constraints.

  • prot_attr – String or array-like column indices or column names of protected attributes.

  • constraint_weight – When the selection_rule is “tradeoff_optimization” (default, no other option currently) this float specifies the relative weight put on the constraint violation when selecting the best model. The weight placed on the error rate will be 1-constraint_weight.

  • grid_size (int) – The number of Lagrange multipliers to generate in the grid.

  • grid_limit (float) – The largest Lagrange multiplier to generate. The grid will contain values distributed between -grid_limit and grid_limit by default.

  • grid (pandas.DataFrame) – Instead of supplying a size and limit for the grid, users may specify the exact set of Lagrange multipliers they desire using this argument in a DataFrame.

  • drop_prot_attr (bool) – Flag indicating whether to drop protected attributes from training data.

  • loss (str) – String identifying loss function for constraints. Options include “ZeroOne”, “Square”, and “Absolute.”

  • min_val – Loss function parameter for “Square” and “Absolute,” typically the minimum of the range of y values.

  • max_val – Loss function parameter for “Square” and “Absolute,” typically the maximum of the range of y values.



Learns model with less bias


Train a model on the input and predict the labels.


Train a model on the input and transform the dataset accordingly.


Obtain the predictions for the provided dataset using the model learned.


Return a new dataset generated by running this Transformer on the input.

__init__(estimator, constraints, prot_attr=None, constraint_weight=0.5, grid_size=10, grid_limit=2.0, grid=None, drop_prot_attr=True, loss='ZeroOne', min_val=None, max_val=None)[source]
  • estimator – An estimator implementing methods fit(X, y, sample_weight) and predict(X), where X is the matrix of features, y is the vector of labels, and sample_weight is a vector of weights; labels y and predictions returned by predict(X) are either 0 or 1 – e.g. scikit-learn classifiers/regressors.

  • constraints (str or fairlearn.reductions.Moment) – If string, keyword denoting the fairlearn.reductions.Moment object defining the disparity constraints – e.g., “DemographicParity” or “EqualizedOdds”. For a full list of possible options see self.model.moments. Otherwise, provide the desired Moment object defining the disparity constraints.

  • prot_attr – String or array-like column indices or column names of protected attributes.

  • constraint_weight – When the selection_rule is “tradeoff_optimization” (default, no other option currently) this float specifies the relative weight put on the constraint violation when selecting the best model. The weight placed on the error rate will be 1-constraint_weight.

  • grid_size (int) – The number of Lagrange multipliers to generate in the grid.

  • grid_limit (float) – The largest Lagrange multiplier to generate. The grid will contain values distributed between -grid_limit and grid_limit by default.

  • grid (pandas.DataFrame) – Instead of supplying a size and limit for the grid, users may specify the exact set of Lagrange multipliers they desire using this argument in a DataFrame.

  • drop_prot_attr (bool) – Flag indicating whether to drop protected attributes from training data.

  • loss (str) – String identifying loss function for constraints. Options include “ZeroOne”, “Square”, and “Absolute.”

  • min_val – Loss function parameter for “Square” and “Absolute,” typically the minimum of the range of y values.

  • max_val – Loss function parameter for “Square” and “Absolute,” typically the maximum of the range of y values.


Learns model with less bias


dataset – Dataset containing true output.


GridSearchReduction – Returns self.


Obtain the predictions for the provided dataset using the model learned.


dataset – Dataset containing output values that need to be transformed.


dataset – Transformed dataset.