Fairness Metrics
Class for computing metrics based on one StructuredDataset. |
Class for computing metrics based on a single |
Class for computing metrics based on two BinaryLabelDatasets. |
Class for computing metrics based on two StructuredDatasets. |
Bias subset scanning is proposed as a technique to identify bias in predictive models using subset scanning [#zhang16]_. |
This is the helper script for implementing metrics.
Compute the boolean conditioning vector. |
Compute the number of instances, \(n\), conditioned on the protected attribute(s). |
Compute the number of positives, \(P\), or negatives, \(N\), optionally conditioned on protected attributes. |
Compute the number of true/false positives/negatives optionally conditioned on protected attributes. |
Compute the number of generalized true/false positives/negatives optionally conditioned on protected attributes. |
Compute the distance element-wise for two sets of vectors. |